'No whales, just a whaling good time'
By Lynette Meachum
The slender, graceful canoes that skimmed over Dyes Inlet on Saturday were as far from a hydro as you can get. This was the second year for outrigger canoe races, led by Silverdale's Hui Hei Hei Wa'a racing club. On Saturday, club members participated in 2- and 6-mile races. Today, teams from local businesses and community groups get their chance to try a 500-meter sprint. Participating in Whaling Days is a good fund-raiser for the group, co-founder Ron Rodenhurst said. This is the second year for the outrigger races. "We did it last year and everybody fell in love with it," he said. A men's team that cheerfully referred to themselves as senior citizens won the 6-mile race. "We paddle with our heart," crewmember Mike Byers said. "You can go further than you think." Published in The Sun: 07/28/2002 |